Mobile Payments Trends That
Are Followed Worldwide
Mobile payments can reach $3 trillion USD by 2021. While
that is a huge amount of money transacted through these small-screen devices,
mobile-based payments will equate to only an estimated 11% of all consumer card
payments across these markets in 2021, up from approximately 5% in 2016.
As mobile phones set themselves as the most popular device
on the planet and mobile-based commerce continues to expand, the market
potential in the next 10 to 20 years remains high. The stakes are high for merchants,
payment players, and brands, which are all trying to be among the first to get
mobile right and gain more connected consumer base.
In the U.K., 17% of consumer payments are executed through a
device, with mobile emerging as the preferred device for executing commerce. An
estimated 38% of digital payments in the U.K. are expected to be done with a
mobile device in 2020, up from 12% in 2015. In the U.S., where mobile-based
commerce is anticipated to grow the fastest, mobile's ratio of digital payments
is expected to increase from 20% in 2015 to 46% by 2020.
The willingness to make digital purchases continues to increase
in both these markets, as digitally savvy consumers become more familiar in
purchasing online across all categories. Consumers broadly expect this system to
exist. Most products and services can be availed digitally, with even cash-only
businesses, such as cleaning services, cab drivers and hairdressers now
accepting online payments. Mobile phones appeal to the digital consumer's
desire for convenience thanks its ability to enable transactions anywhere.
Generations Are Becoming More Attracted To Mobile Commerce
Coming generations are not only the consumers that will
control tomorrow's wallets, but these are the consumers who are ready to adopt new
technologies. New payment methods are no exception. This new set of population is
most likely to adopt these new ways of buying, and they also represent future
commerce growth.
In 2015, millennial's, the generation that reached adulthood
in the new millennium, already controlled 30% of gross income as compared with
other generations. By 2025, when adding in Generation Z or the cohort born
after the millennial's, these two generations are expected to control 47% of
gross income by 2025. These generations will be important for any future
digital commerce plans. Compared to rest of the generations, millennial's are
the most likely to have purchased goods or services on a mobile device,
according to Euro-monitor International's 2016 Global Consumer Trends Survey.
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